Joanie's CDs
New CDs!
Today Is a Dancing Day
"Today Is a Dancing Day" is Joanie's seventh CD for young people. Once again, this is a collection of songs and stories that celebrate the seasons of the year and the beauty of nature and people in our world. Dancing will always bring a smile and help us through our days. This latest CD's songs were, as always, inspired by the children and educators and parents who come to Joanie's performances, classrooms and workshops! Every song has been audience-tested with both children and adults, and every song has an activity that can accompany it for a full-body experience. Everyone is invited to dance in their own special way!
CDs are $10, and are available
by mail from Joanie Calem, 4890 Sharon Ave., Columbus, OH 43214;
Click Here For Digital Downloads
Every Day Is Earth Day
"Every Day Is Earth Day" is Joanie's sixth CD for young people. This CD is a collection of songs and stories of appreciation and exploration of nature and the beautiful planet that we live on. All of the songs have grown out of Joanie's performance, classroom and workshop experiences, singing and dancing with groups of people interested in working to keep our world safe and healthy. We can do it!
CDs are $10, and are available
by mail from Joanie Calem, 4890 Sharon Ave., Columbus, OH 43214;
Click Here For Digital Downloads
Rainbow Of Color
Interactive songs and stories about inclusion, compassion, welcome, friendship, and the simple fact that it's okay to be different, and different is not scary! Inclusion is an action word.
Acoustic Folk Music from all over the musical map. Like the theme of the album, the music itself includes styles and harmonies from around the world. Making this album was a blast, bringing in the percussion, strings and vocals help of friends from Central Ohio!.
CDs are $10, and are available
by mail from Joanie Calem, 4890 Sharon Ave., Columbus, OH 43214;
Click Here For Digital Downloads
Sipurei Savta: Grandmother's Stories of Wit and Wisdom
“Sipurei Savta: Grandmother’s Stories of Wit and Wisdom” is a collection of (mostly) old Jewish folk tales. Some are from the Torah, some are old legends, some have been passed down through song, and some are new twists of traditional tales. I have long treasured these stories and their many messages: of the importance of working together in community, of thriftiness and recycling, of resilience in the face of challenge, of keeping perspective even in tough times, of the wisdom of the natural world, and of humility and openness to difference. Of course, there are also stories of just plain old silliness…wit and wisdom forever combined, with messages and fun for story lovers of all ages.
CDs are $10, and are available
by mail from Joanie Calem, 4890 Sharon Ave., Columbus, OH 43214;
Click Here For Digital Downloads
Sharim V'Rokdim, Singing and Dancing on Every Day and Holidays
“Sharim V’Rokdim” is a collection of new songs and two traditional folk songs for the Jewish year. Some songs are “everyday songs,” which were inspired by the reminders that we glean from our Jewish heritage, such as being thankful for what we have, and working to make the world a better place for everyone. Some songs are new ways to explore the annual cycle of our wonderful holidays whose values help us focus to constantly grow to be better people. Every day of the year, holiday or not, we can sing and dance along to these songs! Each song has been audience-tested with both children and adults, and only the biggest crowd-pleasers made it onto the CD!
CDs are $10, and are available
by mail from Joanie Calem, 4890 Sharon Ave., Columbus, OH 43214;
Click Here For Digital Downloads
Joanie's first CD is still available!
Dancing Through The Seasons
Joanie’s first
CD includes 19 tracks, taking a musical trip through the four seasons
of the year. Twelve of the CD's songs are original; seven
are traditional folk songs with new lyrics. All the songs
have been "kid-tested" with children from ages 6 months
to 8 years. The songs encourage children to dance and pretend, turning
themselves into various animals and experiencing nature’s changes.
The CD is a solo effort, with Joanie accompanying herself on guitar,
xylophone, and percussion instruments.
CDs are $10, and are available
by mail from Joanie Calem, 4890 Sharon Ave., Columbus, OH 43214;
Click Here For Digital Downloads
Shanah Tovah,
Shanah M'tukah
a cycle of songs for
the Jewish year

Joanie is joined on the CD by her daughter Tenara on vocals and violin. With this new CD, the whole family will be singing and dancing throughout the year.
CD's are $15 and
can be ordered by email from
Also available from: Oy Songs
Click Here For Digital Downloads
Free Downloads for Shanah Tova,
Shanah M'tukah CD
Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader click
to download
- Download CD Lyrics & Activities (in booklet format)
- Download CD Lyrics & Activities (in plain sheet format)